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All events will be held at Foster Field on the Reno High School campus on Sunday May 11, 2008

9:00am 5k Run/Walk & 10k Run

Moms on the Run 5k (women) and Mama's Boy 5k (men) and THE GINO 10K (men & women) will start at 9:00 sharp. NO FINISHERS WILL BE ALLOWED AFTER 75 MINUTES to provide time for organizing the next event.

All 5K & 10K participants should position themselves along Foster Dr. behind the START LINE and according to their expected pace per mile behind the provided pace signs from 6 minutes per mile to 12 and slower. Walkers should be at the very back of the Starting Pack. No dogs are allowed in any of the events.

Ensure your ChampionChip is secure to your shoe. All participants are responsible for returning their chip at the conclusion of the race. If for some reason your chip is not returned on race day, please use the envelope provided to mail it back. A $30 fee is charged for an unreturned chip.

Runners must wear their bib numbers on the front. Race Marshals must be able to see numbers and colors to direct 5K & 10K runners correctly.

Awards will be given to the top three overall women and men for 5K and 10K and the top three age group winners in the following age groups: 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & up. Times and wards will be available at the center of the event area.

ENTRANCE FEE: For everybody 10 and over $35 (Silver State Strider members receive $2 discount). After May 3rd the cost will be $40. $10 for children under 10.

10:30 AM                   1 MILE FUN WALK

BON BON STROLL (women) and FAT BOY SHUFFLE (men) is a family WALK around the track four times and is not a timed event.

Please use trash receptacles around the track.
ENTRANCE FEE: For everybody 10 and over $35 (Silver State Strider members receive $2 discount). After May 3rd the cost will be $40. $10 for children under 10.

11:00 AM                   ¼ MILE RUN, KIDLET’S RACE

For children under age 10, this run will be one time around the track and is not a timed event. Ribbons will be awarded to all entrants.

ENTRANCE FEE:       $10 for children under 10.

11:15 AM                   COSTUME CONTEST

A $500 prize will be awarded to a single individual based on the popular and vocal opinion of our many entrants. You must be a registered event entrant and willing to embarrass yourself in front of thousands. No nudity please.

12:00 AM                   EVENT CONCLUDES


Packet Pickup is when event participants pick up their bib numbers, ChampionChip timers, Moms On The Run participant’s shirt, and a bag of goodies called a “packet”.

Packet Pickup will be held on Saturday, May 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Reno High School at the intersection of Booth and Foster. For participants coming in from outside the Reno/Sparks area packet pickup will also be available event day, Sunday, May 11th from

7:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. at Reno High School, Foster Field, the event sight. We will not be holding up the race time for late 5K & 10K entrants picking up their packets on Sunday.

Late Registration will be available at Packet Pickup on Saturday with entrance fees being increased to $40 after May 3rd. RACE DAY REGISTRANTS WILL NOT BE TIMED.

5K AND 10K ENTRANTS WHO DO NOT WISH TO BE TIMED SHOULD NOT ACCEPT THE TIMING CHAMPIONCHIP WHEN AT PACKET PICKUP as participants are responsible for returning their chip at the conclusion of the race. If for some reason your chip is not returned, a $30 fee is charged for an unreturned chip. If you don’t care about your time for the 5K or 10K do not accept the ChampionChip.


GET THERE EARLY: Parking is limited; Use Reno High School, Reno YMCA and the Community Center parking areas. Please be respectful of our neighbors in the area and avoid blocking driveways. NO PARKING WILL BE ALLOWED ON EITHER SIDE OF FOSTER DR. FROM HUNTER LAKE DRIVE EAST PAST THE STARTING AREA.


Click here to register online!


Click here to download a printable registration form you can mail in.


Click here to view race route map.


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