How can I get involved as a volunteer for MOTR?
Moms on the Run has been very fortunate to be supported by 200 volunteers that put on the various events on Mother’s Day. Currently, we may need a few more Race Marshals for the new 10K race route. Go to “ABOUT US” on the top banner and find the VOLUNTEERS & STAFF information and registration area. Someone will contact you and see how you can help Moms on the Run.
What types of cancer do you assist local women with?
We currently assist breast cancer victims and all other women’s cancers.
How do we differ from other cancer fund raisers?
Many outstanding associations exist to help in the research and emotional support of women with breast cancer. Moms on the Run has identified the everyday financial needs of a women impacted by breast cancer like groceries, rent, car payments, gas, child care and medications, etc. that become family and personal financial impracticalities as a result of the effects of treatments which may impair a women’s ability to work.
What is the farthest point of geographical assistance?
We help women who reside in Northern Nevada.
Why don’t you assist men with cancer?
Currently, our resources are limited and require us to focus our support to our original target of Northern Nevada women with breast cancer and similar cancers.
How do you apply for assistance?
Call Lois Bynum of Reno Cancer Foundation at (775) 329-1970 or complete the Financial Assistance Application in this website and mail it in.
What other events does MOTR hold to raise money?
A fashion show is held in the first part of May each year, and a motor cycle ride is held in April.
Who decides on where the money goes?
Ultimately, the board of directors of Moms on the Run is responsible for the allocation of financial assistance. Currently, Moms on the Run receives application of funds through the Reno Cancer Foundation on a monthly basis and approves their distribution based upon their recommendation and the Moms on the Run Financial Assistance Policy.
Is there a limit on how much you’ll give to one recipient?
Currently, no specific maximum limit is specified. Each person’s financial situation is reviewed on an individual basis. Consideration is always given to providing financial aid to the broadest number of women possible. |