Dallyon Center - Site Launching Help Section |
If you are having trouble entering our site, you may need to re-install your Flash Player. Please follow these simple steps to resolve this issue: |
STEP 1 |
Get the Flash Uninstaller application by clicking on the following link. Download Uninstaller |
STEP 2 |
Once Downloaded, Run the Uninstaller by simply double clicking it. This will remove Flash and close your browser windows. Once this procedure is complete, proceed to Step 3. |
STEP 3 |
Visit www.dallyoncenter.com again, and click on "Get Flash Player". After clicking "Install Now", it should give you a gold bar at the top of the screen. Click on this bar and then choose "Install". |
You should now be able to enter the site by clicking on "ENTER" |
DALLYON CENTER - 9410 Prototype Dr. #18 |
Copyright ©2010 Dallyon Inc., All Rights Reserved. |